Hi Doug,

most ROS tutorials should be Distro agnostic. Some tutorials which are related to build system differences have been adapted with the introduction of catkin, but that does not mean electric is not supported by them.
Some tutorials about setting up a workspace may tell users to e.g. use /opt/ros/fuerte for commands, and electric users are expected to use /opt/ros/electric then, this is not nice, but users are free to edit the wiki, best by adding a note that "fuerte" must be replaced with whatever distro the users uses, or change that into /opt/ros/<distro>

So maybe you can say which tutorials in particular you mean?


On 06.02.2013 04:18, Doug Sievers wrote:
Hi All,

I was wondering if the ROS Electric Tutorials are gone forever. The current set of tutorials are very Fuerte/Groovy centric, but I can manage. However, it can be difficult to keep up with the aggressive 6 month release schedule when working on a complex robot.

For the Turtlebot install pages, there is a button for Electric, Fuerte, and Groovy (http://www.ros.org/wiki/Robots/TurtleBot) that the person can select for a specific version. Would it be possible to do the same for the Tutorials (going forward at least) ??

I do thank those who did update the tutorials... documentation is always the least fun part.


Doug Sievers

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