Boa tarde,

   a palestra prevista para quarta-feira 27/02 está confirmada. Será as 10:30 no auditório da elétrica no terceiro andar do bloco H (sala 322, em frente a escada).

   A nossa reunião 8h será no mesmo local.

   Segue um texto de divulgação

Rock: the robot construction kit

In this talk, I will present Rock, a robot software integration framework. I
will start first with the essential services: component development, logging,
live and logged data display, that support the development of algorithms. I will
then go on with what makes Rock special: the ability to easily deploy and manage
at runtime medium to large scale robotic systems. The presentation will be
supported by real world examples taken from field robotics projects at DFKI,
showcasing algorithms that are currently available in Rock.

About the presenter.

Sylvain Joyeux is working on enabling long-term autonomy in robotic
architectures since his PhD at LAAS in Toulouse, France. He continued this work
as the leader of the Intelligent Mobility project at the DFKI Robotics
Innovation Center (RIC), whose focus was autonomous exploration in unstructured
environments. He is now the head of the Autonomy research team at DFKI.

Gabriel Casulari