On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 5:17 AM, Thibault Kruse <kruset@in.tum.de> wrote:
Hi Jack,

On 04.03.2013 14:52, Jack O'Quin wrote:
Converting additional packages to catkin should wait until Hydro. That is much too disruptive a change for a bug-fix release of Groovy.

This was discussed in the platform group meeting on the 29th of January.

>From what i can remember and gather from the meeting notes, we agreed on something like not officially recommending to catkinize within a distro, but also not refusing that. I wrote that up as "Porting dry Groovy packages to catkin in groovy-devel branch is okay to do, but should only be done if users are aware and demanding. Else to do in hydro-devel".
But that was my formulation from memory, the actual meeting protocol is not very detailed on this point.

Else in the meeting we said Tully would write up an announcement on ros-users, but that action item may have been forgotten due to other events, so that decision was not communicated well, I guess.

Our default is to not backport package catkinization into groovy.   The xacro package has significant performance increases provided by catkinization, and it was blocking development/release of new catkinized packages at a higher level.  Unfortunately the release was one of the last done during the build cycle leaving it with only a few days of soak time, and that was over the weekend so it got minimal testing.  Overall in the entire ecosystem we need to improve our test coverage to catch this earlier and prevent it's release.  

1.7.3 was released yesterday morning and the buildfarm has been running continuously since then.  http://jenkins.willowgarage.com:8080/label/debbuild/load-statistics?type=min There was a glitch when we provisioned more machines last night to make it run faster, but it's been fixed and now running with 30% more machines.  

As soon as it finishes rebuilding we'll get a new release out. 



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