If you would like to release into Hydro, there is a new bloom tutorial here:



On Fri, Mar 15, 2013 at 6:37 PM, Tully Foote <tfoote@osrfoundation.org> wrote:
This marks the first hydro packages released.  We already have 87 packages for precise and quantal.  See below for the list.  If your dependencies are met you should think about releasing soon.  

Packages Added: 
ros-hydro-actionlib-msgs : 1.9.15
ros-hydro-bond : 1.7.11
ros-hydro-bond-core : 1.7.11
ros-hydro-bondcpp : 1.7.11
ros-hydro-bondpy : 1.7.11
ros-hydro-catkin : 0.5.64
ros-hydro-class-loader : 0.2.0
ros-hydro-collada-parser : 1.10.3
ros-hydro-common-msgs : 1.9.15
ros-hydro-console-bridge : 0.2.1
ros-hydro-cpp-common : 0.3.13
ros-hydro-diagnostic-msgs : 1.9.15
ros-hydro-dynamic-reconfigure : 1.5.31
ros-hydro-ecto : 0.5.5
ros-hydro-ecto-openni : 0.3.8
ros-hydro-ecto-ros : 0.3.23
ros-hydro-eigen-stl-containers : 0.1.3
ros-hydro-gazebo : 1.5.0
ros-hydro-gencpp : 0.4.12
ros-hydro-genlisp : 0.4.11
ros-hydro-genmsg : 0.4.18
ros-hydro-genpy : 0.4.11
ros-hydro-geometry-msgs : 1.9.15
ros-hydro-joint-state-publisher : 1.10.3
ros-hydro-message-filters : 1.9.43
ros-hydro-message-generation : 0.2.9
ros-hydro-message-runtime : 0.4.11
ros-hydro-mk : 1.9.44
ros-hydro-nav-msgs : 1.9.15
ros-hydro-nodelet : 1.7.15
ros-hydro-nodelet-core : 1.7.15
ros-hydro-nodelet-topic-tools : 1.7.15
ros-hydro-opencv2 : 2.4.4
ros-hydro-pluginlib : 1.9.18
ros-hydro-resource-retriever : 1.10.3
ros-hydro-ros : 1.9.44
ros-hydro-ros-comm : 1.9.43
ros-hydro-ros-tutorials : 0.3.10
ros-hydro-rosbag : 1.9.43
ros-hydro-rosbash : 1.9.44
ros-hydro-rosboost-cfg : 1.9.44
ros-hydro-rosbuild : 1.9.44
ros-hydro-rosclean : 1.9.44
ros-hydro-rosconsole : 1.9.43
ros-hydro-rosconsole-bridge : 0.3.1
ros-hydro-roscpp : 1.9.43
ros-hydro-roscpp-core : 0.3.13
ros-hydro-roscpp-serialization : 0.3.13
ros-hydro-roscpp-traits : 0.3.13
ros-hydro-roscpp-tutorials : 0.3.10
ros-hydro-roscreate : 1.9.44
ros-hydro-rosgraph : 1.9.43
ros-hydro-rosgraph-msgs : 1.9.43
ros-hydro-roslang : 1.9.44
ros-hydro-roslaunch : 1.9.43
ros-hydro-roslib : 1.9.44
ros-hydro-rosmake : 1.9.44
ros-hydro-rosmaster : 1.9.43
ros-hydro-rosmsg : 1.9.43
ros-hydro-rosnode : 1.9.43
ros-hydro-rosout : 1.9.43
ros-hydro-rospack : 2.1.17
ros-hydro-rosparam : 1.9.43
ros-hydro-rospy : 1.9.43
ros-hydro-rospy-tutorials : 0.3.10
ros-hydro-rosservice : 1.9.43
ros-hydro-rostest : 1.9.43
ros-hydro-rostime : 0.3.13
ros-hydro-rostopic : 1.9.43
ros-hydro-rosunit : 1.9.44
ros-hydro-roswtf : 1.9.43
ros-hydro-sensor-msgs : 1.9.15
ros-hydro-serial : 1.1.3
ros-hydro-shape-msgs : 1.9.15
ros-hydro-smclib : 1.7.11
ros-hydro-std-msgs : 0.5.7
ros-hydro-std-srvs : 1.9.43
ros-hydro-stereo-msgs : 1.9.15
ros-hydro-topic-tools : 1.9.43
ros-hydro-trajectory-msgs : 1.9.15
ros-hydro-turtlesim : 0.3.10
ros-hydro-urdf : 1.10.3
ros-hydro-urdf-parser : 1.10.3
ros-hydro-urdfdom : 0.2.7
ros-hydro-urdfdom-headers : 0.2.2
ros-hydro-visualization-msgs : 1.9.15
ros-hydro-xmlrpcpp : 1.9.43

Also released today were: 
python-vcstools  0.1.30
python-rosinstall 0.6.26

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