Hi Adam,

the rqt GUI has a 2D plotter rqt_plot that can plot numerical data from messages.
It is very similar to rxplot, but there is no restriction (as far as I know) on how many variables can be plotted. It's just dependent on you CPU power...
rqt_plot has three different drawing backends selectable from it's configuration menu:
- qwt plot (fast, but not using message timestamps and needs python-qwt bindings)
- pyqtgraph (fast and needs pyqtgraph to be installed which is not in the repos)
- matplotlib (slow but always available)

Hope that helps.


On 21/03/13 16:53, Adam Leeper wrote:
Hi all-

I'd like a tool that plots a series of joint trajectories. In my work, I continuously re-plan motions, meaning I need each trajectory to spline smoothly at a particular time with the previously commanded trajectory. Having a graphical tool to verify that this is happening correctly would be very useful.

Has anyone already written such a tool?
Otherwise, I guess I'll start getting familiar with rqt and matplotlib...

By the way, rxplot is not sufficient because it can only interpret one number per message.


Adam Leeper
PhD Candidate, Stanford BioRobotics Lab
cell: 650.ROBOT.44

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