On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 2:43 PM, Jack O'Quin <jack.oquin@gmail.com> wrote:
On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 3:59 PM, Tully Foote <tfoote@osrfoundation.org> wrote:
> Hi Jack,
> It looks like you fixed the issue in:
> https://github.com/ros-drivers/camera1394/commit/8568997546fa76e207d04798cb09e0e213609891
> However the job you linked us to was still building 1.9.0 not 1.9.1.  If you
> update the version I'd expect it to work.  You should just have to submit a
> pull request to ros/rosdistro for the new verslon.

Thanks, that's encouraging. I really hope that fix will work. When it
appeared to fail, I was running out of ideas. But, I had missed one of
the steps in the release process without realizing it.

I hope camera1394-1.9.1 does fix that problem. I've been unable to
reproduce the failure any other way, and there was very little
debugging information in the console output. Assuming the incorrect
reference to roslib is indeed the bug, I can understand why it works
on my development system because roslib is already installed there.

But, isn't this the sort of error pre-release tests are intended to
find? Why did that also succeed? Is roslib getting installed there by
mistake or as a side-effect of some other package? How much does the
pre-release build differ from the binarydeb build?

The prerelease does a lot more than the debbuilds.  It is doing the same as a devel job does, building and testing from source.  And afterwords it builds and tests from source all packages which depend on the requested package.  There's another test we could run which would actually test the debbuild process, but the debbuild process does not install the tests so you cannot run the tests after installing the debs which is not as helpful. 

It's relatively simple to test the debian build process.  Checkout the branch specific to your current platform in the gbp.  Make sure you have installed all the dependencies listed in the debian/control file.  And call dpkg-buildpackage with -uc -us (to skip signing).  The deb files and .changes will pop out in the directory above. 

git checkout debian/ros-hydro-camera1394_1.9.1-0_precise
dpkg-buildpackage -us -uc

