Hydro will include an updated version of the nmea_gps_driver package.

nmea_gps_driver is a simple NMEA driver. It supports reading NMEA strings from a serial port or topic and outputting the appropriate ROS messages. Currently supported output messages are sensor_msgs/NavSatFix for positional information, geometry_msgs/TwistStamped for velocity information reported by the GPS unit and sensor_msgs/TimeReference to output the current time according to the GPS unit. This driver is meant to be cross-platform and avoid a dependency on GPSd.

For convenience, the major API changes for Hydro are:

I've created an API review page:


If you are interested in this driver, please take a look at the ROS API of the nmea_gps_driver package and share your comments on the review page. If you do leave a comment, please add your name to the list of reviewers and subscribe to the page in order to receive notifications of replies.

- Eric Perko