
I tried to release hector_common-0.2.2 for fuerte yesterday and again today, which is available for electric and groovy since a couple of months but has not been released for fuerte yet for some reason. Unfortunately the binary build job on Jenkins fails due to an invalid debian source file (see http://jenkins.willowgarage.com:8080/view/FbinP64/job/ros-fuerte-hector-common_binarydeb_precise_amd64/):
dpkg-source: error: syntax error in ros-fuerte-hector-common_0.2.2-0~precise.dsc at line 1: line with unknown format (not field-colon-value)

It seems that the debian source package has not been created at all yet for fuerte, as there is no "source deb assets for hector_common-0.2.2" commit by the rosbuild user in https://code.ros.org/svn/release/download/stacks/hector_common/hector_common-0.2.2.

Are there any known problems with the buildsystem for legacy stacks? From what I can deduce from http://build.willowgarage.com/job/debbuild-sourcedeb/ it seems that the debbuild-sourcedeb job that should create and commit the required source debs is not running on bf0 because the debbuild-status job #57092 is starving since 13.05.2013 10:30:34 (see http://build.willowgarage.com/job/debbuild-status/57092/).


Dipl.-Inform. Johannes Meyer
Technische Universität Darmstadt
FB Maschinenbau / Institut für Flugsysteme und Regelungstechnik
Petersenstrasse 30
64287 Darmstadt, Germany

Tel:    +49 6151 / 16-6738
Fax:    +49 6151 / 16-5434
E-Mail: meyer@fsr.tu-darmstadt.de
URL:    http://www.fsr.tu-darmstadt.de