HI Russell, 

The first answer is yes, if you need sudo you need to add it as a dependency.  The builds on the farm will only build with your declared dependencies. The prerelease has a minimal bootstrap which gives you command line capabilities for debugging presumably includes sudo for that purpose.)  You will probably also want to add a build-depend rosdep rule for libcap2-bin to make sure the setcap is installed.  

While looking at this, do you know if setcap is portable across machines, aka if executed on the build machine will the attributes persist through the debian install process? 


On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 5:56 AM, Toris, Russell Charles <rctoris@wpi.edu> wrote:
Good Morning ROS Releasers-

I'm working on getting the core youBot drivers and libraries into the build system. As part of the build process, it is necessary to run setcap on a few executables that we are compiling (see https://github.com/WPI-RAIL/youbot_driver/blob/groovy-devel/src/testing/CMakeLists.txt#L26-L28 for an example). As such, if someone is building this from source, this must be run as root.

The package (youbot_driver) is passing the pre-release (http://jenkins.willowgarage.com:8080/job/prerelease-groovy-youbot_driver/ARCH_PARAM=amd64,UBUNTU_PARAM=precise,label=prerelease/3/) but is failing on the main build farm with the following error (full log at http://jenkins.willowgarage.com:8080/job/ros-groovy-youbot-driver_binarydeb_quantal_amd64/1/console):

/bin/sh: 1: sudo: not found

Is it necessary to have to put 'sudo' in rosdep and list it as a dependency?


Russell Toris
Graduate Student | WPI Department of Computer Science
rctoris@wpi.edu | http://users.wpi.edu/~rctoris/

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