On 06/05/2013 09:40 PM, Jonathan Bohren wrote:

On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 1:18 PM, Konrad Banachowicz <konradb3@gmail.com> wrote:
Header header  # A stamp of 0 means "execute now"

string[] effector_names
CartesianTrajectory[] trajectory
  PoseStamped tool  # The frame which is being controlled
  CartesianTrajectoryPoint[] points
    duration time_from_start
    Pose pose
    Twist twist
CartesianImpedance[] impedance
    TBD stiffness % cartesian stiffness 
    TBD damping % damping ratio
CartesianTolerance[] path_tolerance  # Tolerance for aborting the path
  float64 position
  float64 orientation  # Permitted angular error
  float64 velocity
  float64 angular_velocity
CartesianTolerance[] goal_tolerance  # Tolerance for when reaching the goal is considered successful
JointTrajectory posture  # For determining the redundancy
JointImpedance nullspace_impedance # TBD

I like where this version is going!
Konrad's proposition looks indeed promising. However, I'd like to point out that this is more than a Cartesian Trajectory. This looks more like a goal message to a very sophisticated controller, e.g. whole-body motion framework or iTaSC. Shouldn't the Cartesian Trajectory msg be somewhat smaller in scope and then be reused? Maybe more like in the spirit of std_msgs which are mainly used as building blocks for bigger and semantically annotated messages?

Meanwhile, between comments in different mailing lists, and comments on the wiki in the old robot_mechanism_controllers, it'd be great if we could aggregate this discussion. Really it seems like this is an extension to the trajectory_msgs package, so maybe we can do an online review where people can propose and comment on different options and subjects. I've started one [1] with the initial proposal from the old wg review, and added Konrad's proposal above (feel free to remove/edit that, Konrad). I think we can use the robot control SIG to coordinate, and ping ros-users for high-level notices. Then when we've at least gotten the scope down, we can initiate an REP request. How does that sound?

Good idea. From now on moving to the REP?


Jonathan Bohren
Laboratory for Computational Sensing and Robotics

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