On Tue, Jul 2, 2013 at 4:07 PM, David Lu!! <davidvlu@gmail.com> wrote:
Right now, the Category feature is underused [4]. I've set up an example on this page [5] using the new CategoryURDF tag [6]

As far as I can tell, the category feature is also very slow.

My opinion is that we need a non-wiki based infrastructure for cataloging, tagging, commenting on,  and digesting the thousands of ros packages in the ecosystem as well as hooks into github's and bitbucket's API. 

The prototype infrastructure that we used to generate some of the stats for that talk also hase a built-in web frontend, but I personally don't have time to play web developer. I think the wiki is a great place for unified tutorials and generally static information, but I think we need a more dynamic and structured website to make the packages (and forks of packages) more visible.

If anyone is interested in building more web infrastructure for the ROS community, please e-mail Bill (bill.smart@oregonstate.edu) and myself!


Jonathan Bohren
Laboratory for Computational Sensing and Robotics