I think you can try and adapt the instructions from Sec 2.6 here: http://ros.org/wiki/bloom/Tutorials/ReleaseThirdParty. Not sure what the best way to test the build is. I generally just pull in release/rosdistro/foo in my local workspace and test "catkin_make_isolated --install".


On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 6:19 PM, Austin Hendrix <ahendrix@willowgarage.com> wrote:
I would like to release an existing third-party package that already
has some patches for ROS. (
https://github.com/PR2/pr2_ethercat_drivers/tree/master/eml )

I found the page on releasing third-party packages with Bloom (
http://ros.org/wiki/bloom/Tutorials/ReleaseThirdParty ), but it
doesn't discuss how to import existing patches from rosbuild, or how
to test the build with patches before I push it to the release farm.

Is this a sane thing to try to do?

Are there any more guides out there about doing this that I've missed?

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