You can test the build by running git-buildpackage yourself after blooming before pushing and submitting the pull request.  Like this for the razer_hydra package:

git checkout debian/ros-groovy-razer-hydra_0.0.3-0_precise 
git-buildpackage -uc -us  --git-ignore-new

This will build the debian against your current system.  You need to make sure that you already have all the system dependencies for the package installed on your system.  And you need to checkout the correct tag for your system architecture.  


On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 5:03 PM, Jack O'Quin <> wrote:

On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 6:52 PM, Piyush <> wrote:
I think you can try and adapt the instructions from Sec 2.6 here: Not sure what the best way to test the build is. I generally just pull in release/rosdistro/foo in my local workspace and test "catkin_make_isolated --install".

I think you can define the gbp RELEASE repo in hydro/release.yaml, but without a "version:" field. Once that is merged, you can use the "latest" option for running a pre-release test.


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