Hey Tully!

Thanks for the hint. Unfortunately, I don't think this solves my problem.

I am able to trigger the pre-release, but it currently fails with the first task of building, which is building the metapackage. It tries to get the metapackage's dependencies (the other packages in the repo) via apt-get, which of course is not possible. Is that a setup issue on my side or is some logic missing/broken in the pre-release script?

Regarding the pre-release instructions, I believe we need to add the other steps to prepare a pre-release as well.
For example, I did:
* Created a pull request for rosdistro/hydro/release.yaml to add repo/package information, but without a version number
* Configured the release repo using git-bloom-config
* Started with bloom-release, but stopped before creating a pull request for rosdistro/hydro/release.yaml. This was need to get the required tags pushed to my release repo

I am not sure, if the above is the correct/recommended way to prepare a pre-release. For example, after using the new highly automated tools, such as git-bloom-config and bloom-release, it feels awkward to do similar things manually and also to interrupt a process halfway through.


On Tue, Jul 9, 2013 at 3:18 PM, Tully Foote <tfoote@osrfoundation.org> wrote:
Hi Markus, 

If you add it to the index without a version and wait ~ 15-30 minutes for the distro caching to run you will be able to run a prerelease of unreleased stuff.  (It may be slightly longer if the farm is heavily loaded. The job is here: http://jenkins.willowgarage.com:8080/job/_rosdistro-build-cache/buildTimeTrend

If you could add this to the docs that would be great.  


On Mon, Jul 8, 2013 at 9:38 PM, Marcus Liebhardt <marcus.liebhardt@yujinrobot.com> wrote:
Hello fellow releasers!

Wanting to bring in my first bloom release as smooth as possible, I tried to do a pre-release before releasing my package for the first time. However, after several failed attempts I finally gave up and did a normal release.

We wrote down some instructions  about how to do this in Groovy, but they seem to be outdated by now. Furthermore, the instructions about doing a first time release don't mention the option of pre-releasing. Hence I wonder, if such instructions for the new release pipeline exist? If not, could we write them down?

Best regards,

Marcus Liebhardt 
Control Engineer
Yujin Robot
ÁÖ¼Ò´ëÇѹα¹ ¼­¿ï½Ã ±Ýõ±¸ °¡»êµ¿ 345-30 ³²¼ºÇÁ¶óÀÚ #601, 153-023.
Address: Door #601, Namsung-Plaza, 345-30 Gasan-dong, Guemcheon-gu, Seoul, 153-023, Republic of Korea
Website: http://www.yujinrobot.com
Email: marcus.liebhardt@yujinrobot.com
Phone: +82-70-46577073

Ros-release mailing list

Marcus Liebhardt 
Control Engineer
Yujin Robot
ÁÖ¼Ò´ëÇѹα¹ ¼­¿ï½Ã ±Ýõ±¸ °¡»êµ¿ 345-30 ³²¼ºÇÁ¶óÀÚ #601, 153-023.
Address: Door #601, Namsung-Plaza, 345-30 Gasan-dong, Guemcheon-gu, Seoul, 153-023, Republic of Korea
Website: http://www.yujinrobot.com
Email: marcus.liebhardt@yujinrobot.com
Phone: +82-70-46577073