Hi David,
Thank you for the effort you put in. Honestly I do not know about your specific contribution because I do not use the navigation stack.

Robots work in a 3D space or even in 4D(with time constraints). As far as I know, the stack is not designed with this in mind. Correct me if I'm wrong.

It is not necessary to have all algorithms in place, but having a general navigation architecture encourages more people to adopt it and contribute 3D algorithms. Consideration for robots models beyond differential drives are also useful.


On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 4:04 AM, David Lu!! <davidvlu@gmail.com> wrote:
Hey all,

As many people know, I've been working on improvements to the ROS
Navigation Stack. In order to maintain maximum compatibility (and for
my own curiosity), I want to find out how many robots are using the
ROS Navigation stack. I've set up a wiki page here for people to add
their own robots to.

(Feel free to add to the list even if your robot's navigation
configuration is not public)

Consequently, if you are using navigation on your robot and not using
ROS Navigation, I'd be curious to hear why.

Happy roboting,
ros-users mailing list