On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 10:54 PM, Mike Purvis <mpurvis@clearpathrobotics.com> wrote:
Discoverability of information on the ROS wiki is pretty big problem, IMO—there could almost be an entire SIG for documentation, with the objective of finding, updating, and drawing attention to resources like the regression_tests page referenced above.

A documentation team would help, and I am happy to participate.

But, I do not think the ROS documentation problem can be solved without serious OSRF coordination. Until at least one core developer has documentation as the top-priority task, things will continue to become ever more murky. 

A simple starting point could even just be a banner or something which pops up every day over the wiki with a new suggested read, eg:

- "Releasing debs of your package is easier than you think. Click here for an entry-level tutorial."
- "Submit your package idea for an API review, and receive suggestions from ROS experts. Click for details."
- "Did you know? The ROS community servers can build and test your packages as you make commits to them. Click for details on continuous integration."
- "Did you know? The roslaunch_add_file_check macro can check your package for missing launch file dependencies." 
- "The best packages have great documentation. An example of this is the xxxx package."

Heck, could almost just be a twitter account.

An excellent idea, Mike!

I suggest ros-users, instead of twitter. We need to get these messages out to the wider ROS community, and that's the best place to reach most of them.