On 3 October 2013 02:40, Jack O'Quin <jack.oquin@gmail.com> wrote:

On Tue, Oct 1, 2013 at 9:50 PM, Daniel Stonier <d.stonier@gmail.com> wrote:

      o This is probably the cause of the confusion we've had trying to work out what pre-releases are actually building.
  * Why do some have a version key and some don't? How is it automatically added?

Nothing happens automatically for that.
Whatever a maintainer puts into that file will be used: a branch name, a tag name or nothing which implies the default branch.

Ok, crystal now. I was wondering if source.yaml shouldn't be touched (I can't remember doing any pull requests to source.yaml, just to release.yaml, so something must be auto-generating the initial footprint there).

Daniel: I think not. 

If you didn't add source.yaml entries, they are probably missing. I see no "roscon" source.yaml entries for either Groovy or Hydro. 

Probably should have been searching for 'rocon', not 'roscon'. Nonetheless, I believe your comment is correct. I wonder if the older ones were carried over from legacy packaging systems. I just noticed none of my newer rosjava ones turned up there. 

Since bloom's configuration asks for source url's, could it validate and send pull requests here if they are missing? Not high priority, but it would automate a step.

PS I edited the wiki page to hint how to get devel pre-releases from source started. It's a touch mysterious that 'devel' doesn't appear on the pre-release web site, even after you've done a release.

That means the "devel" pre-release option will not be available for those packages. 