ROS-Industrial Quarterly Community Meeting


10:00 a.m. - 11:15 a.m. (CST) Thursday, December 5, 2013
Virtual Web Meeting


ROS-Industrial will host an open forum to discuss the general direction of the program, learn about new technologies, and to publicize the work and most importantly the needs of the community. All are invited, but the main target audience for this meeting are developers and end-users.



Agenda (CST)


·  Introductions and Forum Overview (Shaun Edwards - SwRI)

·  BRIDE Presentation and Q&A - A Toolchain for Model-Based Software Development
    (Alexander Bubeck - Fraunhofer IPA)

·  Upcoming Contributions (Community)

·  Wish List Discussion (Community)

·  General Q&A and Upcoming Events (Shaun Edwards - SwRI)


There is no fee to attend the meeting, but registration is required


We are soliciting community discussion about current activities or needs. Please contact Shaun Edwards if you have a topic of interest.


Check out our last ROS-Industrial virtual meeting.


We look forward to our upcoming meeting with you!

Shaun Edwards

Senior Research Engineer

SwRI Robotics and Automation Engineering


Register for the Townhall







Southwest Research Institute | P.O. Drawer 28510 | 6220 Culebra Road | San Antonio | TX | 78228-0510