Hello, This is the first time I am trying to release a package through ROS infrastructure. The local Debian build succeeds, but the online build keeps failing when trying to `ar` a group of object files for creating a static library. The error message is: make[10]: /usr/lib/ccache/ar: Command not found For example here: http://jenkins.ros.org/job/ros-hydro-ardrone-autonomy_binarydeb_precise_amd64/lastFailedBuild/console Looking into the [full] console output, I can see that the PATH is being set as "/usr/lib/ccache:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" before running `dpkg-buildpackage`. Does the error message imply that `ar` is not installed at all on the build server (Usually `ar` is in /usr/bin which is in the PATH)? Best, Mani