Just in time before lots of people start releasing into Indigo, I am happy to announce bloom 0.5.0! Here are some of the highest level changes to bloom: - OAUTH is now used to open pull requests with github.com, hopefully cutting down on the number of times you have to enter your password. - Some additional checks have been added to prevent invalid pull requests from being opened. - bloom also asks you to add doc and source information for your repository in addition to setting a maintenance status. - Fedora rpm generation (they are not generated by default yet). Thanks to Scott K Logan and others for getting this into bloom. There are a few more changes, but you can read the whole changelog here: https://github.com/ros-infrastructure/bloom/blob/master/CHANGELOG.rst If you run into any bugs, please open issues on the issue tracker here: https://github.com/ros-infrastructure/bloom/issues Thanks! -- William Woodall ROS Development Team william@osrfoundation.org http://williamjwoodall.com/