Hi Everyone, We're pleased to announce the ROS build farm for Indigo Igloo is now available. It includes over 180 packages already for Ubuntu 13.10, Saucy Salamander, and Ubuntu 14.04, Trusty Tahr. We expect that number to continue to grow rapidly. Installation instructions already exist for Ubuntu using debians or for compiling from source [1], and you can see the status of Indigo packages on this page: http://www.ros.org/debbuild/indigo.html If you are a maintainer please look at what packages have been released and consider releasing yours as soon as your upstream dependencies have been satisfied. If you are blocked on another package being released please contact the maintainer. And if you cannot reach the maintainer please email ros-release@lists.ros.org (join if you aren't a member already). If you are planning to release into Indigo please read the information provided in the migration guide [2] and refer to the bloom tutorials [3] for doing the release. Please also contribute to the migration guide for updates relating to your package. After releasing your packages the build farm will keep you notified of the status of the individual jobs. Please pay attention to the automated emails from the buildfarm, if jobs are failing they block downstream packages from releasing and waste our build resources. -- Your Friendly ROS Release Team [1] http://wiki.ros.org/indigo/Installation [2] http://wiki.ros.org/indigo/Migration [3] http://ros.org/wiki/bloom