Hi, I would like to give a couple of other ideas/words - ROS Jedi Turtle - "May the node be with you" - ROS Joyful Jacobian Also, I would like to ask, is there a reason to have name and surname? Marti A 03-04-2014 19:08, Dirk Thomas escrigué: > With ROS Indigo Igloo release approaching in May, it's time to start brainstorming the full name for J Turtle. > As past names have shown, there are no rules to this process. > Please provide suggestions and comments. > -- Your friendly ROS naming committee > Past names and codenames: > Boxturtle -- boxturtle > C Turtle -- cturtle > Diamondback -- diamondback > Electric Emys -- electric > Fuerte -- fuerte > Groovy Galapagos -- groovy > Hydro Medusa -- hydro > Indigo Igloo -- indigo > Usually we provide some starting point from websites listing turtle species. > But our previous resources have either vanished or do not list any turtle species starting with J. > So be creative...