Hi guys, tl;dr I am looking for new maintainers for pcl_ros[1], pcl_msgs[2], and pcl_conversions[3]. In the past low level ROS packages depended on PCL in order to iterate over point clouds. For Indigo, there is a generic point cloud iterator available in common_msgs: https://github.com/ros/common_msgs/pull/16 This should allow many packages to drop a dependency on PCL in Indigo, and so it makes PCL less of a critical dependency for the core of ROS. Up until now, I have taken over maintenance of the PCL related ROS packages (pcl_ros, pcl_msgs, and pcl_conversions) because we desperately needed them. However, I don't really make sense as a maintainer for this code base because I rarely use PCL anymore and I believe my time would be better spent in other areas. Therefore I am not going to be maintaining these packages in Indigo, and I am looking for some people from both the ROS and PCL communities to step up and maintain these packages. The responsibilities you would be inheriting include: - Releasing the packages into Indigo for the first time - Releasing new versions with patches throughout the Indigo lifetime - Watching for and responding to new issues/pull requests on the repositories Note that you do not have to fulfill every enhancement request or fix every minor bug, but you should be responding to and categorizing the incoming issues. The benefit to you is that you get authority over the packages and get a say in how they are developed (if you wish to do that), and you get notoriety as the maintainer of such a fundamental package. If you are interested helping out with these packages please send me an email or send an email to the ros-release@lists.ros.org mailing list if you are interested in co-maintaining and would like to find a another co-maintainer. Thanks, [1] https://github.com/ros-perception/perception_pcl [2] https://github.com/ros-perception/pcl_msgs [3] https://github.com/ros-perception/pcl_conversions -- William Woodall ROS Development Team william@osrfoundation.org http://williamjwoodall.com/