Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE I like the idea of Jade Turtle, but when I first saw it, I accidentally read it as 'Jaded Turtle'. Probably not what anyone wants to convey. I also agree with the comments about 'Jagged' not being quite appropriate as it implies something that isn't ready for prime-time. So far, Juggernaut and Judo are acceptable to me, but I agree that if we had something connected to a turtle, it'd be nice. On a slightly related note, would those that are multi-lingual please keep an eye on the names being suggested? I know that there are certain words that are completely innocuous in English that are insulting/rude in Turkish (and therefore can't be translated or used in Turkish), and I'd like to avoid something like that happening to ROS due to an accidentally poorly chosen name. Thanks, Cem Karan Classification: UNCLASSIFIED Caveats: NONE