All, I am pleased to announce the release of a new ROS package, robot_localization. The package estimates the state (3D pose and velocity) of a mobile robot through sensor fusion. Its features include: * Fusion of an arbitrary number of sensors: the nodes do not restrict the number of input sources. If, for example, your robot has multiple IMUs or multiple sources of odometry information, the nodes within robot_localization can support all of them. * Support for multiple ROS message types: all nodes in robot_localization can take in Odometry, Imu, PoseWithCovarianceStamped, or TwistWithCovarianceStamped messages. * Per-sensor input customization: if a given sensor message contains data that you don't want to include in your state estimate, robot_localization's nodes allow you to exclude that data on a per-sensor basis. * Continuous estimation: each node in robot_localization begins estimating the robot's state as soon as it receives a single measurement. If there is a holiday in the sensor data (i.e., a long period in which no data is received), the filter will continue to estimate the robot's state via a 3D motion model. robot_localization currently contains only one node, ekf_localization, which, as the name implies, employs an extended Kalman filter. New nodes, such as an unscented Kalman filter node, will be added as they become available. robot_localization is currently available for ROS Groovy, Hydro, and Indigo. The package's wiki page at provides more details on how to integrate it with your robot. Development of this node was funded by Charles River Analytics, Inc. -Tom ++++++++++++++++ Tom Moore Software Engineer Sensor Processing & Networking Government Services Charles River Analytics Inc. 617.491.3474 x521