Looks very interesting! Thanks for supplying detailed documentation. A major gap in the existing ROS localization solution (robot_pose_ekf) has been with respect to periodic absolute measurements, especially GPS fixes and data from mocap systems. Does robot_localization handle these cases at all, or provide for them to be handled with further development? Thanks again for contributing this, Mike On 22 April 2014 12:47, Tom Moore wrote: > All, > > > > I am pleased to announce the release of a new ROS package, > robot_localization. The package estimates the state (3D pose and velocity) > of a mobile robot through sensor fusion. Its features include: > > > > * Fusion of an arbitrary number of sensors: the nodes do not restrict the > number of input sources. If, for example, your robot has multiple IMUs or > multiple sources of odometry information, the nodes within > robot_localization can support all of them. > > * Support for multiple ROS message types: all nodes in robot_localization > can take in Odometry, Imu, PoseWithCovarianceStamped, or > TwistWithCovarianceStamped messages. > > * Per-sensor input customization: if a given sensor message contains data > that you don't want to include in your state estimate, robot_localization's > nodes allow you to exclude that data on a per-sensor basis. > > * Continuous estimation: each node in robot_localization begins estimating > the robot's state as soon as it receives a single measurement. If there is > a holiday in the sensor data (i.e., a long period in which no data is > received), the filter will continue to estimate the robot's state via a 3D > motion model. > > > > robot_localization currently contains only one node, ekf_localization, > which, as the name implies, employs an extended Kalman filter. New nodes, > such as an unscented Kalman filter node, will be added as they become > available. > > > > robot_localization is currently available for ROS Groovy, Hydro, and > Indigo. The package's wiki page at http://wiki.ros.org/robot_localizationprovides more details on how to integrate it with your robot. > > > > > Development of this node was funded by Charles River Analytics, Inc. > > > > -Tom > > > > ++++++++++++++++ > > Tom Moore > > Software Engineer > > Sensor Processing & Networking > > Government Services > > Charles River Analytics Inc. > > 617.491.3474 x521 > > www.cra.com > > > > > > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > ros-users@lists.ros.org > http://lists.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users > >