Sietse, Please ask questions like this on our Q&A's website, We reserve this list for announcements. See: On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 10:44 AM, Sietse Achterop wrote: > Dear list, > > Having trouble communicating between two simple ROS processes when they > are on 2 different hosts. > Networking as such is working as proved by netcat. I also turned off the > firewall to be sure. > > One process publishes on a topic and another process subscribes to it. > When that process receives a message, it sends a messsage to the first > process via another topic. > Running both processes on the same machine as roscore works perfectly, but > fail otherwise. > > Both machines are Ubuntu 12.04, 64-bit, with ROS software (hydro) from the > repository. > To get it to work, on each machine I do next to the regular catkin > sourcing: > > export HOSTNAME=`hostname` > export ROS_IP= > export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://:11311 > > So for example we get (for the lcal machine): > HOSTNAME=fwn-nb4-16-202 > ROS_IP= > ROS_MASTER_URI= > > We have two machines: local (running master) and remote. > When one process is on the remote somehow I only see > that the first process is publishing (via INFO) and on the other nothing > is seen. > > rostopic list > works on the both machines > roswtf > no errors on the local machine > but hangs on the remote machine. > every 5 seconds we see: > unknown network error contacting node: timed out > > What can be wrong? > > For completeness below the code of the 2 processes. > > Thanks in advance, > Sietse > > Node1.cpp: > ############################################################# > #include "ros/ros.h" > #include "std_msgs/String.h" > #include > > void T2Callback(const std_msgs::String::ConstPtr& msg) > { ROS_INFO("What?: [%s]", msg->data.c_str()); } > > int main(int argc, char **argv) > { > ros::init(argc, argv, "node1"); > ros::NodeHandle n; > ros::Publisher T1_pub = n.advertise("T1", 1000); > ros::Subscriber sub = n.subscribe("T2", 1000, T2Callback); > ros::Rate loop_rate(2); > > int count = 0; > do { > > std_msgs::String msg; > std::stringstream ss; > ss << "hello world " << count; > = ss.str(); > > ROS_INFO("%s",; > T1_pub.publish(msg); > ros::spinOnce(); > loop_rate.sleep(); > ++count; > } while (ros::ok()); > > return 0; > } > > > Node2.cpp: > ############################################################### > #include > #include "std_msgs/String.h" > #include > > class SubscribeAndPublish > { > public: > SubscribeAndPublish() > { //Topic you want to publish on > T2_pub = n.advertise("T2", 1000); > //Topic you want to subscribe to > sub = n.subscribe("T1", 1000, &SubscribeAndPublish::callback, this); > } > > void callback(const std_msgs::String& msg) > { //msg contains data from subscribed topic > //Output contains data which is published > ROS_INFO("Massage received"); > std_msgs::String output; > std::stringstream ss; > ss << "You are listening to SublimeFM"; > = ss.str(); > T2_pub.publish(output); > } > > private: > ros::NodeHandle n; > ros::Publisher T2_pub; > ros::Subscriber sub; > > };//End of class SubscribeAndPublish > > int main(int argc, char **argv) > { > //Initiate ROS > ros::init(argc, argv, "subscribe_and_publish"); > SubscribeAndPublish SAPObject; > ros::spin(); > return 0; > } > > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > > > -- William Woodall ROS Development Team