Sorry, I missed step in my from source instructions: $ mkdir ~/rviz_ws $ cd ~/rviz_ws $ rosinstall_generator rviz --rosdistro hydro --tar > rviz.rosinstall $ wstool init ./src ./rviz.rosinstall $ source /opt/ros/hydro/setup.bash $ catkin_make install $ source ./install/setup.bash $ rosrun rviz rviz Sorry for the noise! On Sun, May 4, 2014 at 9:31 PM, William Woodall wrote: > Hi guys, > > There are new versions of rviz in Groovy (1.9.36), Hydro (1.10.15), and > Indigo (1.11.1), but we need some help with testing. > > rviz is complex, so even though we have been careful to only release fixes > in the new versions which should not break things, it is hard to be sure > until we get it out there and people use it. Therefore, before we make > these versions of rviz the default in the public debian repositories, I > would like to give the community an opportunity test these new versions. > > You can help us out by testing these new versions of rviz and you can do > so by building the latest versions of rviz from source: > > $ mkdir ~/rviz_ws > $ cd ~/rviz_ws > $ rosinstall_generator rviz --rosdistro hydro --tar > rviz.rosinstall > $ source /opt/ros/hydro/setup.bash > $ catkin_make install > $ source ./install/setup.bash > $ rosrun rviz rviz > > Obviously, if you are using groovy or indigo, please replace the use of > hydro with the appropriate alternative. > > We will wait a short period of time before making these versions public, > so please test this is as soon as you can and report any issues you > encountered on the rviz issue tracker: > > > > If you are interested in the changes which each version of rviz, please > see the changelog's for each: > > > > > > Thanks! > > -- > William Woodall > ROS Development Team > > > -- William Woodall ROS Development Team