Hello everybody. My name is Javier and I am new in this mailing list. I work with embedded systems (bare metal programming and embedded GNU/Linux too) and I am learning ROS by my own at home. some months ago I wrote an entry in my personal blog ( http://industriaembebidahoy.com/efsystems/es/node/61) about how to cross-compile ROS Fuerte for a RPI Board with a with a BuildRoot based rootfs (http://buildroot.uclibc.org/) based on other post I found in Internet (http://uchile-spl.wikidot.com/). Now, Im trying to add support for ROS in Buildroot for automatic cross-compile of ROS in new rootfs for any architecture supported for Buildroot. I have used rosinstall-generator to obtain a list of packages for a ros-base groovy instalation whith the idea of add all this packages into a virtual package in BuildRoot, but I have some troubles when I try to cross-compile. My problem is the dependencies among packages, so I would like to know if anyone could tell me which is the correct order for compile and install separate packages without dependencies problems so I could configure Buildroot for doing the compilation in the correct order. Also, I think that not all packages are needed for a running system, so I would like to know which packages I could omit for an embedded system (I will not develop in this system, only run). Anyone could help me? Thanks in advance. Javier.