Hello, Well, firstly, welcome to ROS!! I believe the links below will help you fulfill your task: http://gazebosim.org/wiki/Install/Gazebo_and_ROS http://gazebosim.org/wiki/Tutorials/1.9/Overview_of_new_ROS_integration (follow the tutorials) http://wiki.ros.org/ros_control Also, take a look at my implementation of a ROS driver to Nao (nao_dcm ), where I am using ros controllers (and controller manager) alongside with Gazebo. If you need more clarifications, feel free to send me an email. Although, I didn't understand completely what you mean a plugin that manipulates the actuators. Best, Konstantinos Chatzilygeroudis On Wed, Jun 4, 2014 at 12:06 AM, Kefei Zeng wrote: > Hello, everybody. I've only started to use ROS last week as part of my > internship. I'm using Gazebo 2.2.2 in conjunction with ROS Indigo and > Ubuntu 14.04 'Trusty'. I was tasked to research a way to write a simple > plugin that could control a robot. I was told that I should aim for a > plugin that causes the robot to move by actually controlling its actuator > motor and not simply moving the model's joints. I've searched a ways to > write a plugin for manipulating the acutator, but no luck with a specific > example yet. > > Here's what I know so far: > The stack ros_control has something to do with using actuators and works > best with URDF. > URDF files have the tag. > None of the default models included in Gazebo have actuators, only > joints. > The gazebosim.org tutorial page does not contain instructions for writing > plugins for actuators, only world, system, model, and sensors. > > What I don't know: > Can I use actuators in an .sdf file? > What does ros_controller (NOT ros_control) actually do? The ROS wiki has > little information on this stack. > Is it true that it's better to use URDF rather than SDF for actuators? > Especially since the tutorial on the Gazebo wiki specifies the use of URDF. > *What exactly is the format of an actuator configuration file (if it's > possible)?* > *Is it actually possible to write a plugin that manipulates the actuators > instead of the model itself or the joints?* > > Any help would be greatly appreciated. If anyone needs clarification on > some of the things I said, feel free to ask. I'll do my best to make things > clear. > > > > _______________________________________________ > ros-users mailing list > ros-users@lists.ros.org > http://lists.ros.org/mailman/listinfo/ros-users > >