------------------------------------------------- ROSCon 2014 September 12-13th, 2014 Chicago, IL, USA Between ITMS and IROS ------------------------------------------------- Important Dates ------------------------------------------------- Call for Proposals -- June 23rd, 2014 Proposal submission deadline -- July 18th, 2014 Proposal acceptance notification -- July 22nd, 2014 ROSCon ------------------------------------------------- ROSCon 2014 is a chance for ROS developers of all levels, beginner to expert, to spend an extraordinary two days learning from and networking with the ROS community. Get tips and tricks from experts and meet and share ideas with fellow developers from around the globe. ROSCon is a developers conference, in the model of PyCon and BoostCon. Following the success of the inaugural ROSCon in St. Paul, Minnesota ( http://roscon.ros.org/2012) and last year’s event in Stuttgart, Germany ( http://roscon.ros.org/2013) this year’s ROSCon will be held in Chicago, Illinois. Similar to last year, the two-day program will comprise technical talks and tutorials that will introduce you to new tools and libraries, as well as teach you more about the ones you already know. The bulk of the program will be 30-40 minute presentations (some may be longer or shorter). To submit a proposal please visit the Call for Proposals page ( http://roscon.ros.org/2014/call-for-proposals/) If you don’t want to make a formal presentation, you should still bring your new project or idea to ROSCon! There will be sessions of Lightning Talks, which are 5-minute mini-talks that are scheduled just-in-time at the conference. There will also be open space for Birds-of-a-Feather (BoF) meetings, impromptu hacking sessions, and informal presentations. Submission Guidelines ------------------------------------------------ Presentations and tutorials on all topics related to ROS are invited. Examples include introducing attendees to a ROS package or library, exploring how to use tools, manipulating sensor data, and applications for robots. Proposals will be reviewed by an ad-hoc committee that will evaluate fit, impact, and balance. We cannot offer sessions that are not proposed! If there is a topic on which you would like to present, please propose it. If you have an idea for an important topic that you do not want to present yourself, please post it to ros-users@code.ros.org. Topic areas ------------------------------------------------ All ROS-related work is invited. Topics of interest include: Best practices Useful packages and stacks Robot-specific development ROS Enhancement Proposals (REPs) Safety and security ROS in embedded systems Product development & commercialization Research and education Enterprise deployment Community organization and direction Testing, quality, and documentation Robotics competitions and collaborations Proposal submission Proposal Submission ------------------------------------------------ A session proposal should include: Title Recommended duration (Short or Long) Summary, 100 word max (to be used in advertising the session) Description (for review purposes): outline, goals (what will the audience learn?), pointers to packages to be discussed (500 Words Maximum) To submit a proposal please visit: http://roscon.ros.org/review2014/ Further Info ------------------------------------------------ The event website is http://roscon.ros.org You can contact the organizing committee at roscon-2014-oc@osrfoundation.org