It's not the best code I've ever written, but here it is. On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 5:03 PM, David Lu!! wrote: > It's not the best code I've ever written, but here it is. > > > On Sat, Jul 19, 2014 at 4:25 PM, Dirk Thomas > wrote: > >> Just for the record: only the maintainer email addresses are really >> important. The author addressed are not used by any notification system >> (keeping them up-to-date is still a good idea though). >> >> - Dirk >> On Jul 19, 2014 1:08 PM, "Vincent Rabaud" >> wrote: >> >>> Great ! Mine are almost re-released. Any way you can share your script ? >>> Thx >>> >>> >>> On Fri, Jul 18, 2014 at 4:22 PM, David Lu!! wrote: >>> >>>> As a follow up, here is a list of packages that are maintained by >>>> people with email addresses at Willow Garage. List only includes packages >>>> in Hydro and Indigo. H* indicates the package is not listed as "maintained" >>>> (could be developed or unknown) >>>> >>>> I recommend that people on this list at the very least update their >>>> email addresses to non-Willow ones. Alternatively, you could find new >>>> maintainers. >>>> >>>> ===== Aaron Blasdel ( ===== >>>> rqt_bag (H*) >>>> rqt_bag_plugins (H*) >>>> rqt_common_plugins (H*,I*) >>>> rqt_console (H*) >>>> rqt_dep (H*,I*) >>>> rqt_graph (H*,I*) >>>> rqt_image_view (H*,I*) >>>> rqt_logger_level (H*,I*) >>>> rqt_msg (H*) >>>> rqt_pr2_dashboard (H) >>>> rqt_robot_dashboard (H,I*) >>>> rqt_robot_steering (H,I*) >>>> rqt_runtime_monitor (H,I*) >>>> rqt_srv (H*) >>>> ===== Austin Hendrix ( ===== >>>> audio_capture (H) >>>> audio_common (H) >>>> audio_common_msgs (H) >>>> audio_play (H) >>>> eml (H) >>>> ethercat_hardware (H) >>>> ethercat_trigger_controllers (H) >>>> fingertip_pressure (H) >>>> imu_monitor (H) >>>> joint_trajectory_action (H) >>>> korg_nanokontrol (H) >>>> ocean_battery_driver (H) >>>> power_monitor (H) >>>> pr2_bringup (H) >>>> pr2_calibration_controllers (H) >>>> pr2_camera_synchronizer (H) >>>> pr2_common (H) >>>> pr2_computer_monitor (H) >>>> pr2_controller_configuration (H) >>>> pr2_controller_interface (H) >>>> pr2_controller_manager (H) >>>> pr2_controllers (H) >>>> pr2_controllers_msgs (H) >>>> pr2_dashboard_aggregator (H) >>>> pr2_description (H) >>>> pr2_ethercat (H) >>>> pr2_ethercat_drivers (H) >>>> pr2_gripper_action (H) >>>> pr2_hardware_interface (H) >>>> pr2_head_action (H) >>>> pr2_machine (H) >>>> pr2_mechanism (H) >>>> pr2_mechanism_controllers (H) >>>> pr2_mechanism_diagnostics (H) >>>> pr2_mechanism_model (H) >>>> pr2_msgs (H) >>>> pr2_power_board (H) >>>> pr2_power_drivers (H) >>>> pr2_robot (H) >>>> pr2_run_stop_auto_restart (H) >>>> prosilica_camera (H) >>>> prosilica_gige_sdk (H) >>>> robot_mechanism_controllers (H) >>>> single_joint_position_action (H) >>>> sound_play (H) >>>> wge100_camera (H) >>>> wge100_camera_firmware (H) >>>> wge100_driver (H) >>>> wifi_ddwrt (H) >>>> ===== Bob Holmberg ( ===== >>>> dynamixel_pro_arm_description (H*) >>>> ===== Brian Axelrod ( ===== >>>> dynamixel_pro_arm (H*) >>>> dynamixel_pro_arm_description (H*) >>>> dynamixel_pro_driver (H*) >>>> dynamixel_pro_moveit_controller (H*) >>>> ===== Chad Rockey ( ===== >>>> laser_proc (I) >>>> ===== Dave Hershberger ( ===== >>>> laser_geometry (H*) >>>> librviz_tutorial (H*) >>>> map_store (H*) >>>> media_export (H*) >>>> rviz_plugin_tutorials (H*) >>>> rviz_python_tutorial (H*) >>>> ===== David Gossow ( ===== >>>> laser_assembler (H,I) >>>> ===== David Gossow ( ===== >>>> compressed_depth_image_transport (H*,I) >>>> compressed_image_transport (H*,I) >>>> image_transport_plugins (H*,I) >>>> interactive_marker_tutorials (H*) >>>> interactive_markers (H) >>>> laser_pipeline (H*,I) >>>> oculus_rviz_plugins (H*) >>>> visualization_marker_tutorials (H*) >>>> ===== Ioan Sucan ( ===== >>>> angles (H*,I*) >>>> console_bridge (H) >>>> convex_decomposition (H*) >>>> eigen_stl_containers (H,I*) >>>> fcl (H,I) >>>> geometric_shapes (H) >>>> ivcon (H*) >>>> libccd (H) >>>> moveit_commander (H,I) >>>> moveit_full (H) >>>> moveit_full_pr2 (H) >>>> moveit_msgs (H) >>>> moveit_planners (H,I) >>>> moveit_planners_ompl (H,I) >>>> moveit_pr2 (H) >>>> moveit_resources (H,I) >>>> moveit_ros_benchmarks_gui (H,I) >>>> ompl (H) >>>> pr2_moveit_plugins (H) >>>> pr2_moveit_tutorials (H) >>>> random_numbers (H,I*) >>>> reflexxes_type2 (H) >>>> robot_state_publisher (H) >>>> rosconsole_bridge (H,I*) >>>> sbpl (H*) >>>> shape_msgs (H,I) >>>> shape_tools (H,I*) >>>> srdfdom (H,I) >>>> urdf_tutorial (H*,I) >>>> urdfdom (H) >>>> urdfdom_headers (H) >>>> urdfdom_py (H*) >>>> ===== Jon Binney ( ===== >>>> laser_filters (H,I) >>>> manipulation_msgs (H*,I) >>>> object_recognition_tabletop (H) >>>> openni_launch (H*,I*) >>>> ===== Julius Kammerl ( ===== >>>> octomap_rviz_plugins (H,I) >>>> openni_camera (H*,I*) >>>> openni_launch (H*,I*) >>>> pcl_msgs (H*) >>>> theora_image_transport (H*,I) >>>> ===== Mario Prats ( ===== >>>> moveit_ros_benchmarks_gui (H,I) >>>> uwsim_osgocean (H) >>>> ===== Matei Ciocarlie ( ===== >>>> household_objects_database_msgs (H*,I) >>>> ===== Melonee Wise ( ===== >>>> turtlebot (H*) >>>> turtlebot_apps (H*) >>>> turtlebot_teleop (H*) >>>> ===== Michael Ferguson ( ===== >>>> turtlebot (H*) >>>> ===== Mirza A. Shah ( ===== >>>> roswtf (H,I) >>>> ===== Mirza Shah ( ===== >>>> bond_core (H*) >>>> rosconsole_bridge (H,I*) >>>> ===== Sachin Chitta ( ===== >>>> control_toolbox (H,I) >>>> ===== Stuart Glaser ( ===== >>>> realtime_tools (H,I) >>>> ===== Tully Foote ( ===== >>>> common_tutorials (H,I) >>>> eigen_conversions (H) >>>> filters (H,I) >>>> geometry (H,I) >>>> kdl_conversions (H,I) >>>> nodelet_tutorial_math (H,I) >>>> tf (H,I) >>>> tf_conversions (H,I) >>>> ===== Vincent Rabaud ( ===== >>>> bond (H*) >>>> bondcpp (H*) >>>> bondpy (H*) >>>> opencv_candidate (H,I) >>>> smclib (H*) >>>> test_bond (H*) >>>> ===== William Woodall ( ===== >>>> xacro (H) >>>> ===== Willow Garage ( ===== >>>> control_msgs (H,I) >>>> ===== Wim Meeussen ( ===== >>>> bfl (H*,I) >>>> ===== Ze'ev Klapow ( ===== >>>> rqt_nav_view (H,I*) >>>> >>>> >>>> On Thu, Jul 17, 2014 at 1:07 AM, Jihoon Lee >>>> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Hello all, >>>>> >>>>> I wonder if who maintains map_store >>>>> package. Could anybody >>>>> release this in indigo? turtlebot app package depends on this :) >>>>> >>>>> Cheers, >>>>> Jihoon >>>>> >>>>> _______________________________________________ >>>>> ros-release mailing list >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>> >>>> _______________________________________________ >>>> ros-release mailing list >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> >>> _______________________________________________ >>> ros-release mailing list >>> >>> >>> >>> >> _______________________________________________ >> ros-release mailing list >> >> >> >> >