On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 11:11 AM, Brian Gerkey wrote: > Now, we're under no illusion that the community will switch wholesale to > ROS 2.0 next year when it's ready. To the contrary, we committed with the > release of Indigo as our first LTS distro to support ROS as it exists today > for 5 years. ROS 2.0 won't replace ROS 1.0, but rather will live alongside > it, with tools in place to allow the two systems to communicate (through > bridges and/or library shims), and to assist with porting existing code to > new APIs. > What I gathered from Aaron's initial post is that an open question is whether or not ROS 1.x will continue to be enhanced and/or if OSRF has the bandwidth to organize contributions which enhance it in the ways he described. Over in ros-sig-ng-ros, I mentioned that there are currently a bunch of enhancements floating around which either not been fully fleshed out or have not been integrated into the ROS 1.x core. These include, but are not limited to UDP Multicast Support [1] and a ZeroMQ-based backend which improves performance [2]. [1] http://wiki.ros.org/ethzasl_message_transport [2] https://github.com/esteve/ros_comm/tree/zeromq_thrift -jon