On Mon, Sep 15, 2014 at 8:27 AM, Jonathan Bohren wrote: > What I gathered from Aaron's initial post is that an open question is > whether or not ROS 1.x will continue to be enhanced and/or if OSRF has the > bandwidth to organize contributions which enhance it in the ways he > described. Over in ros-sig-ng-ros, I mentioned that there are currently a > bunch of enhancements floating around which either not been fully fleshed > out or have not been integrated into the ROS 1.x core. These include, but > are not limited to UDP Multicast Support [1] and a ZeroMQ-based backend > which improves performance [2]. > > [1] http://wiki.ros.org/ethzasl_message_transport > [2] https://github.com/esteve/ros_comm/tree/zeromq_thrift > OSRF will continue to maintain the ROS 1.x core, but we do not intend to spend time on new development for them. We will of course entertain patches to improve the ROS 1.x core, but with the caveat that incorporation of significant changes (e.g., adding new transport options) will require significant effort from interested folks outside OSRF. E.g., merging Cedric's UDP multicast support is not out of the question, but somebody who's sufficiently motivated to make that happen will need to lead the charge, including testing and documentation of affected packages. brian.