I talked to softkinetic and they have no linux support at the moment. > Have you considered Softkinetic's sensors and middleware? They have a > short-range sensor (same hardware as the Creative Senz3D, > http://www.softkinetic.com/Store/tabid/579/ProductID/6/language/en-US/Default.aspx ) > and software to do skeleton tracking ( > http://www.softkinetic.com/products/iisumiddleware.aspx). > > Cheers, > Marcus > > > > > > I got the Structure.io camera to work with NITE 2 for skeleton tracking > > but it also doesn't work as well up close as I hoped. > > > > There's no skeleton tracking for the Creative Labs Senz3D yet so that's > > out. I've looked at some other lesser known RGB-D cameras and they didn't > > have linux support yet. > > > > So I'm left with a single option. The Kinect for Windows 2 camera. The > > camera is amazing and the SDK blows away what could be done with NITE. > > But... it's Windows 8 only. The open source KFW drivers are just not there > > yet. No skeleton support, etc. > > > > The options I see are: > > > > a) Run ROS entirely under Windows 8 though there doesn't seem to be very > > good support. > > b) Run Ubuntu/Hydro in Virtualbox and send messages (Kinect quaternions) > > through the virtualbox api and turn that into a ROS message. > > c) Run ROS in Windows as a slave node to a master ROS node running in > > Ubuntu. > > > > If I just want to run ROS Hydro in Windows for sending some Kinect > > quaternion/TF frames over the network to Ubuntu/Hydro for the rosqt, etc > > heavy lifting is that possible? > > > > Any other suggestions? > > > > -- > > Chris Jones > > Overthrow Robotics > > chris.jones@overthrowrobotics.com > > 310-400-0256 > >