Hello all, I've been a heavy user of the new Julia programming language (julialang.org) for my research since the summer and believe it would be a great fit for the ROS community. In a sentence, I've found it combines the expressiveness of Python with the natural mathematical syntax of Matlab with the speed and type safety of C++. In support of this idea, I've written a Julia package that provides near-native interfacing with ROS in the same vein as rospy or roscpp. This includes automatic generation of Julia types for messages and Julia scripts can be invoked through rosrun or roslaunch in the same manner as Python. The package itself and more details are here: https://github.com/phobon/RobotOS.jl For those interested in learning some more technical details about Julia I highly recommend browsing the manual at: http://docs.julialang.org/ Please feel free to send me any questions and I'm looking forward to working with anyone who might find this a good option to explore. Thanks, Josh Langsfeld Graduate Research Assistant Maryland Robotics Center - UMD College Park, MD, USA