Hello everyone, I recently try to port some of our old fuerte packages (which worked with rosbuild) to indigo (with catkin sysbuild). I already set up catkin build environment, now I must update the old macros of CMakeLists.txt to make it work with catkin following this guide: http://wiki.ros.org/catkin/migrating_from_rosbuild But there are some functions that are deprecated and do not have its equivalent, like this one: rosbuild_find_ros_package() DO NOT DO THIS in rosbuild, this helps export the *_PACKAGE_PATH to make the search for files in package easier, but in catkin it did not exists. There is something in catkin that I find similar, which is : find_package() But it results only in finding the packages that are already install (which can be found in install or install_isolated directory), if my package aren't build, it can't be found. So are there any options to search, and export the path of unbuild packages (i.e package in src directory) under catkin sysbuild? Thanks for any help, Best regards -- Huy Cong Wandercraft SAS