Hello list, i am trying to create an urdf description for the gripper in our crustcrawler AX18A arms. My starting point for the urdf-file is the one i found for the crustcrawler-smart_arm in the ua-ros-pkg package, see http://wiki.ros.org/ua-ros-pkg but that has a gripper with two actuators. The AX18A arm has a so called "2 in 1" gripper with one actuator, where the 2 fingers work in opposite direction, see http://www.crustcrawler.com/products/AX-18F%20Smart%20Robotic%20Arm/ The question is, how do i describe that one actuator control both the left and right fingers of the gripper, and make it show in rviz using the joint_state_publisher. I've been looking into the velo-gripper that looks similar, but i can't find the crucial parts. It probably has to do something with transmission? Hopefully someone can give me a pointer in the right direction. Thanks in advance, Sietse