Announcing a new book "ROS Robot Programing" Hello ROS users, I am pleased to announce a new book "ROS Robot Programing", which will be released by RubyPaper in this month. It is the first guide book for ROS in Non-English languages. I hope to bring up new ROS contributors in Korean, even if this book is written in Korean. Also, I'll donate the whole royalty from this book to OSRF and open-source robotics platform projects( The contents of this book is as follows: 1. ROS, Robot Operating System 2. Installing the ROS in Desktop PC 3. Installing the ROS in VirtualBox and SBC like RaspberryPi 4. ROS Term, Communication, File and Build System, Build and Running 5. ROS Commands 6. ROS Tool (RViz, rqt) 7. ROS Basic Programing (Message, Topic, Service, Parameter) 8. Robot and Sensor on ROS 9. How to Use the Sensors on ROS 10. How to Use the Mobile Robot on ROS (Turtlebot) 11. SLAM and Navigation 12. Robot Arm (Dynamixel Servo, MoveIt!) total pages: 392 More information about this book can be found on ROS wiki page. Please see the fantastic cover of this book! :) Cheers, Pyo ​-- ​Yoonseok Pyo Laboratory for Intelligent Robots & Vision System, Kyushu University E-mail pyo at