> > > *ROS Training Session Course 101* > > The Beagle Bone Black (BBB) development > board is a great way to begin using ROS for any > size Robot project. We have designed a class to get you past the steep > learning curve so you can start using your BBB and ROS effectively. This > course will focus on basic IO, motor control and switch sensing. At the end > of the class you will have: > > · A working BBB running the latest ROS > > · A reference BBB interface for a 2 motor controller (we will be > using LEDs instead of motors) > > · Your laptop running ROS via a virtual machine > > > > *Time & Place:* > > *Saturday, May 2, 2015* > > *9:00 AM to 3:00 PM* > > *HackerDojo * > > *Mountain View, CA* > > > > *Sign-up here:* Eventbrite > > > > > *More Info here: *http://ros-training.com/ > > We appreciate your interest! > > > > We look forward to seeing you at our next workshop! > > > > *The SV-ROS - Silicon Valley ROS* > > *http://ros-training.com/ * > > > Connect on: > > Facebook > > Twitter > > Meet-Up > > MAXed-Out Robot > > > >