ROS Summer School 2015 July 23-26 East China Normal University, Shanghai, China Since 2012, many college students, researchers and engineers have been learning ROS (Robot Operating System) for their robotics projects when the robustness and maintainability of ROS keeps improving. Since 2013, many robotics companies in China have realized the importance of ROS, started recruiting ROS developers and integrating ROS into their robotic products. However, learning ROS framework and its associating components involves a very wide range of knowledge, which not only requires developers to master software development skills, but also to be familiar with robot hardware and even the background of specific industrial applications. For most people, learning and using ROS is a slow and painful process. Our ROS Summer Schools 2015 (organized by Intelligent Robot Motion and Vision Laboratory, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China) provides a quick and in-depth learning opportunity for ROS beginners and advanced ROS users. In the first day, some robotics companies are invited to present their profiles, how they use ROS in their products and recent developments of robot industry in China. In the second day, we start with some introductory ROS courses for beginners. In the third day, we tackle the main tasks of integrating ROS with mobile autonomous robots, i.e. perception, localization and navigation. In the fourth day, we continue some advanced topics and skills interesting to many advanced ROS users. This ROS Summer School also includes some leisure activities, such as sharing the start-up experience, companies and job seekers discussion, etc. Every day, attendees have a chance to win prizes, including ROVIO robots, iRobot Create, Asus Xtion Pro Live RGB-D camera, iRobot Roomba Vacuum Cleaning Robot. For how to win a prize and registration, please visit our official website for the details. ROS 暑期学校20157月23日~26日中国 • 上海 • 华东师范大学 2012年以来,随着ROS框架的逐步完善,全球开始有越来越多的开发者学习并将其应用于自己的机器人开发项目中。2013年,越来越多的企业开始重视ROS开发框架的应用,并招募相关人才。但ROS机器人开发框架的学习,涉及非常广的知识面,不仅要求开发者熟练掌握各种软件开发技术,还要熟悉机器人硬件方面的知识,针对具体的应用开发还需要对相关行业的背景知识有所了解。 虽然从2012年至今,ROS学习资源匮乏的状况有所改善,但依旧没有很完善的学习体系让初学者快速掌握相关开发技巧,学习ROS和利用ROS进行机器人开发对大多数人来说仍旧是一个痛苦的过程。为此,由华东师范大学“智能机器人运动与视觉实验室”主办的ROS暑期学校,邀请ROS资深开发者为广大ROS学习者和ROS工程开发人员提供一次快速、深入学习ROS的机会。也邀请智能机器人相关企业,为广大创业者、行业工作者、爱好者提供一次行业信息交流的平台。希望这个平台能够连接各个层次的智能机器人爱好者,在此之中碰撞出火花。 第一天,机器人企业的代表做行业介绍,内容涵盖行业动态、智能机器人研发过程中遇到的技术难点、以及企业对相关技术和人才的需求。也邀请企业管理者为大家分析机器人行业局势、分享创业经验、指点发展方向。第二天,为ROS初学者提供一些基础教程,对ROS基本概念和组件进行讲解。第三天,通过实际的ROS移动机器人项目,分享ROS移动机器人开发经验和实战技巧。第四天,对ROS中重要的自主导航组件及相关技术进行讲解。除此之外,ROS暑期学校还有丰富的课余活动,包括分享创业经历、公司招聘以及求职方面的讨论等等。 培训过程中,将为ROS机器人开发者资助若干台ROVIO移动监控机器人、iRobot Create教育移动机器人平台、Xtion Pro Live RGB-D摄像头、Roomba移动机器人平台等。并邀请国内资深开发团队为相应设备开发对应的ROS源码包,帮助学习者快速上手ROS开发。关于奖品与资助方式详细信息请参见暑期学校官方网站,奖品申请者均将有机会获得资助,奖品和资助方式将不定期更新。 咨询以及报名信息请访问“ROS 2015暑期学校(华东师范大学)”官方网站: