TIAGo is a service robot designed to work in indoor research environments. TIAGo’s features make it the ideal platform for research, especially on ambient assisted living or light industry. It combines mobility, perception, manipulation and human-robot interaction capabilities for one specific goal: to provide the best help in research. TIAGo is *open source*: its software is completely ROS enabled (Robot Operating System), and its simulation is freely available online . You can also watch TIAGo's prototype in action *in this video .* TIAGo is totally configurable, unlike other robots of its kind. “TIAGo’s purpose is to be custom-fitted to any specific need” says Product Manager, Jordi Pagès. That is why *three versions are available - Iron, Steel and Titanium*. The Iron version can be upgraded to Steel and Titanium, besides they are also modular and customizable, adapting TIAGo to all budgets. The robot is affordable for institutions and labs and can now be pre-ordered. First final pre-ordered units are now under construction. TIAGo's main features TIAGo is a mobile research platform provided with a sensorized pan-tilt head, a lifting torso and a 7 DOF arm, which ensures a large manipulation workspace. Its end-effector is plug and play, and can be a parallel gripper or a five-fingered humanoid hand. It is able to grasp and manipulate objects with a payload of 2 Kg. The hand is underactuated, soft, resistant and versatile, suitable for manipulation and human-robot interaction tasks. Another optional is a force-torque sensor at its wrist. TIAGo runs autonomously on the PMB2 mobile base , creating a map of the environment with a 2D laser. Its sensors provide visual perception, enabling it to detect objects, people, obstacles and anything you implement. The technology used by TIAGo is endorsed by *PAL Robotics’ large experience in humanoid robots* - a company running since 2004. The team is known for developing the REEM humanoids family, with REEM-C and REEM standing out. Now PAL Robotics also works on other platforms to answer specific needs for which the developed technology of PAL Robotics is also useful, such as TIAGo for research environments. -- Judith Viladomat Communications PAL Robotics C/ Pujades 77-79, 4-4 08005 Barcelona, Spain http://pal-robotics.com/ Skype: judithviladomat.pal-robotics Tel: +34.93.414.53.47