Hey all, roslint has been updated to the newest versions of its underlying linters, pep8 and cpplint , thanks to some work by Alex Henning. Version 0.10.0 has been released into Indigo and Jade and will be available in shadow shortly. Relevant PRs: https://github.com/ros/roslint/pull/37 https://github.com/ros/roslint/pull/38 If you are the maintainer of one of these roslint-using packages , be aware that this change may result in new lint warnings on your package. Especially if you use the roslint_add_test macro to run the linter as part of a package's unit tests, you may want to grab roslint 0.10.0 from shadow so you can verify packages in advance of the next sync. If you're not currently a roslint user, but develop (or maintain) ROS packages, consider integrating roslint. We use it on a bunch of our internal software at Clearpath— having stuff linted upfront is great for making code review about the real design and implementation issues, and not about style. Mike