Hi Everyone, You can now download our 2015 ROS Metrics report from: http://download.ros.org/downloads/metrics/metrics-report-2015-07.pdf It's the 5th edition of the report. Links to all of them can be found at: http://wiki.ros.org/Metrics One metric which stood out to me how strong the adoption of Indigo has been. Over half our users are now using the LTS release. And all of these numbers do not count the any statistics for mirrors either private or public of which we've seen an increase in availability. http://wiki.ros.org/Mirrors Demonstrating the challenge of understanding metrics, the downward change in download volume reflects the more stable core packages. During the sample period there were fewer core releases. Including no catkin, ros, or ros_comm releases in July 2015 versus one or more of each of those in July 2014. Tully