Hi lads, Not able to do prereleases for indigo with Trusty. The current instrunctions on the prerelease page indicate to pull in python-ros-buildfarm (currently 0.2.0-1). However, running the prerelease script results in repository name component must match \"[a-z0-9]+(?:[._-][a-z0-9]+)*\" which is discussed in this mailing list thread by Jack, Tully and Mani and the referenced issue has seen a fix applied to python-ros-buildfarm here . However, this has yet to be released as a deb for Trusty. I downloaded the ros-buildfarm sources and tried installing that, however it seems that requires the python3 catkin dependencies which conflicts with the rest of the indigo system I have installed. Short of hacking the existing installed files I have with Mani's fix, is there a way I can actually get prereleases running? Cheers, Daniel.