Hi Everyone, we are pleased to announce a new package for grasp calculation on unknown and known objects. This package receives a point cloud representing objects and identifies where to best place the gripper. The algorithm does not require segmentation or a-priori knowledge about the objects. It has already been employed on various platforms, including a PR2 [4], a Kuka LWR [5], a Schunk arm [6] and the service robot Hobbit [7]. More details, a scientific foundation and evaluation results can be found in an IJRR journal publication from August 2015 [1], a more technical description and a simple getting started guide can be found at [2]. Code is available on GitHub [3]. Links: 1) http://ijr.sagepub.com/content/34/9/1167.full.pdf+html → IJRR publication 2015 or http://users.acin.tuwien.ac.at/dfischinger/files/IJRR_FinalRevision.pdf (final revision) 2) http://wiki.ros.org/haf_grasping → Technical description, Getting started 3) https://github.com/davidfischinger/haf_grasping → Code on GitHub Videos: 4) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aF8_VkLdc_g → PR2, unknown objects 5) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGmwOHVDODA → Kuka arm, known object 6) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OpIHp0N3440 → Schunk arm, unknown objects in box 7) https://youtu.be/zLr-9aEOPjs -> Service robot Hobbit Currently Indigo is supported. Best regards, David Fischinger -- Dr. David Fischinger Vienna University of Technology Automation & Control Institute Gusshausstr. 27/376 1040 Vienna, Austria, Europe Phone: +43 158801 376622 david.fischinger@gmail.com