> This is very interesting. Do you have a link to your ROS package? Until I was asked for that a few times right now, I will answer it for everyone here. You find the source code on GitHub: https://github.com/RodBelaFarin/ros_in_hand_scanner A ROS wiki page including some instructions on how to use will follow soon hopefully. Patrick -- *l* *l * *Patrick Wiesen B.Eng.* Fachbereich Maschinenbau und Mechatronik Fachgebiet Automatisierungstechnik und Robotik FH Aachen University of Applied Sciences Goethestr. 1 52064 Aachen | Germany T +49.241.6009 52508 F +49.241.6009 52681 www.fh-aachen.de wiesen@fh-aachen.de