Hello everyone, I just released a new version of rviz (1.11.13) into the testing repository for both Indigo and Jade. There are a lot of new changes in this batch of releases which I think need to be tested out before syncing the packages to public where 1.11.10 is current latest version of rviz. You can see the change list here (starting with 1.11.11 and newer): https://github.com/ros-visualization/rviz/blob/1.11.13/CHANGELOG.rst#11111-2016-03-22 I'd appreciate it if some of you brave souls would switch to our testing repository (aka shadow-fixed, see: http://wiki.ros.org/ShadowRepository) or build 1.11.13 from source and use it in your daily work. And if you find anything wrong, please report it on the rviz issue tracker: https://github.com/ros-visualization/rviz/issues If you have trouble getting setup with the testing repository, then please ask for help on answers.ros.org and make sure to add tags like 'rviz' and 'shadow_repository' to your question. I think this release is particularly important to test since it is a large set of changes and because this will probably be the last version of rviz for EOL Ubuntu distributions like Saucy and Utopic. Thanks in advance and thanks to everyone that contributed! I hope you all enjoy the new changes (and excuse any new bugs). -- William Woodall ROS Development Team william@osrfoundation.org http://wjwwood.io/