Thanks Ruben, Tully released orocos-kdl as well as geometry and geometry2 (formerly geometry_experimental). Here's a new list of things that can be released (some blocking other repositories, others not): The following repos can be released, but do not block other repos: ardrone_autonomy calibration cartesian_msgs cram_3rdparty cv_camera depthimage_to_laserscan graft grid_map iai_common_msgs interactive_marker_twist_server iot_bridge leap_motion librms lms1xx lyap_control m4atx_battery_monitor mav_comm moveit_resources nao_interaction nao_meshes nerian_sp1 open_karto openrtm_aist_python pepper_meshes pocketsphinx pointcloud_to_laserscan power_msgs pugixml rail_maps rail_user_queue_manager rfsm robot_pose_publisher robot_upstart rosdoc_lite rospeex rospy_message_converter rosserial rwt_config_generator sbpl schunk_grippers screen_grab smart_battery_msgs sophus ueye ueye_cam um6 youbot_driver The following repos can be released, and are blocking other repos: aruco_ros async_web_server_cpp audio_common bfl camera_info_manager_py control_msgs convex_decomposition csm cv_backports diagnostics ecl_tools ecto euslisp executive_smach geographic_info geometry_tutorials graph_msgs hector_models humanoid_msgs image_pipeline image_transport_plugins interactive_marker_proxy ivcon keyboard laser_geometry laser_proc libccd libg2o log4cpp marti_messages mavlink mongo_cxx_driver multisense_ros naoqi_bridge_msgs naoqi_libqi navigation_msgs nmea_msgs object_recognition_msgs object_recognition_renderer octomap_ros ompl opencv_candidate openni2_camera openni_camera openrtm_aist openslam_gmapping pcl_msgs pr2_mechanism_msgs python_ethernet_rmp python_qt_binding rail_manipulation_msgs random_numbers realtime_tools rmp_msgs roboteq ros_emacs_utils rosauth rosh_core rosparam_shortcuts rtabmap rtctree rtsprofile rtt shape_tools sicktoolbox srdfdom stage_ros tf2_web_republisher twist_mux_msgs urg_c usb_cam uwsim_bullet uwsim_osgocean uwsim_osgworks visp visualization_osg vrpn warehouse_ros wu_ros_toolsv If you have some spare cycles, please have a look at the list and release repositories on which you are a maintainer and push for others to release repositories that block your progress. Thanks! On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 7:20 AM, Ruben Smits wrote: > Done. > > On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 11:30 AM Tully Foote > wrote: > >> Hi Ruben, >> >> Thanks we'll go ahead and do that. If you could give @wjwwood or @tfoote >> access to the release repo >> we can push to the same location so we won't have to switch urls in the >> future. >> >> Tully >> >> On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 2:12 AM, Ruben Smits via ros-release < >>> wrote: >> >>> Hi Will, >>> >>> Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. For me it's fine to release >>> the Jade version into Kinetic, I only have a ABI compatible bugfix pending, >>> so that can happen later. >>> >>> R. >>> >>> On Wed, Mar 30, 2016 at 2:41 AM William Woodall via ros-release < >>>> wrote: >>> >>>> We're waiting on the refactor of tf2 (geometry_experimental -> >>>> geometry2 (I think)) to be finished, or at least the things that need to be >>>> done before releasing it the first time. If we get those done and orocos >>>> KDL stuff has not been released, then we can consider releasing the Jade >>>> version as is into Kinetic so we can also release all of the geometry >>>> repositories. We've open an issue against orocos KDL and sent private >>>> communications as well: >>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> On Tue, Mar 29, 2016 at 5:38 PM, Jon Binney via ros-release < >>>>> wrote: >>>> >>>>> Right now the packages I want to release are blocked by not having TF >>>>> released yet, which in turn is blocked by not having the orocos KDL >>>>> packages released. If those can be released, a lot of others should follow >>>>> quickly. Does anyone know the status of those packages? >>>>> >>>>> Jon >>>>> >>>>> On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 2:17 PM, Dirk Thomas via ros-release < >>>>>> wrote: >>>>> >>>>>> And for completeness the the following repositories can be release >>>>>> into Kinetic "now". If you are the maintainer of one / some of them please >>>>>> consider making a bloom release for Kinetic rather sooner then later. Thank >>>>>> you! >>>>>> >>>>>> ackermann_msgs >>>>>> ar_track_alvar_msgs >>>>>> async_web_server_cpp >>>>>> audio_common >>>>>> bfl >>>>>> camera_info_manager_py >>>>>> cartesian_msgs >>>>>> control_msgs >>>>>> convex_decomposition >>>>>> cram_3rdparty >>>>>> csm >>>>>> cv_backports >>>>>> cv_camera >>>>>> depthimage_to_laserscan >>>>>> dynpick_driver >>>>>> ecl_tools >>>>>> ecto >>>>>> euslisp >>>>>> executive_smach >>>>>> filters >>>>>> graph_msgs >>>>>> humanoid_msgs >>>>>> iai_common_msgs >>>>>> image_transport_plugins >>>>>> iot_bridge >>>>>> ivcon >>>>>> jsk_common_msgs >>>>>> keyboard >>>>>> korg_nanokontrol >>>>>> laser_proc >>>>>> leap_motion >>>>>> libccd >>>>>> libg2o >>>>>> librms >>>>>> lms1xx >>>>>> log4cpp >>>>>> lyap_control >>>>>> m4atx_battery_monitor >>>>>> marti_messages >>>>>> mav_comm >>>>>> mavlink >>>>>> md49_base_controller >>>>>> media_export >>>>>> mongo_cxx_driver >>>>>> moveit_resources >>>>>> nao_interaction >>>>>> nao_meshes >>>>>> naoqi_bridge_msgs >>>>>> naoqi_libqi >>>>>> navigation_msgs >>>>>> nerian_sp1 >>>>>> nmea_msgs >>>>>> ntpd_driver >>>>>> object_recognition_msgs >>>>>> object_recognition_renderer >>>>>> octomap >>>>>> octomap_msgs >>>>>> ompl >>>>>> open_karto >>>>>> opencv_candidate >>>>>> openni2_camera >>>>>> openni_camera >>>>>> openrtm_aist >>>>>> openrtm_aist_python >>>>>> openslam_gmapping >>>>>> orocos_kinematics_dynamics >>>>>> pcl_msgs >>>>>> pepper_meshes >>>>>> pocketsphinx >>>>>> power_msgs >>>>>> pr2_mechanism_msgs >>>>>> pugixml >>>>>> python_ethernet_rmp >>>>>> python_qt_binding >>>>>> rail_manipulation_msgs >>>>>> rail_maps >>>>>> rail_user_queue_manager >>>>>> random_numbers >>>>>> realtime_tools >>>>>> rfsm >>>>>> rmp_msgs >>>>>> ros_emacs_utils >>>>>> rosauth >>>>>> rosdoc_lite >>>>>> rosh_core >>>>>> rospeex >>>>>> rospy_message_converter >>>>>> rtabmap >>>>>> rtctree >>>>>> rtsprofile >>>>>> rtt >>>>>> rwt_config_generator >>>>>> sbpl >>>>>> screen_grab >>>>>> serial >>>>>> shape_tools >>>>>> sicktoolbox >>>>>> smart_battery_msgs >>>>>> sophus >>>>>> srdfdom >>>>>> stage >>>>>> twist_mux_msgs >>>>>> ueye >>>>>> ueye_cam >>>>>> unique_identifier >>>>>> urg_c >>>>>> usb_cam >>>>>> uwsim_bullet >>>>>> uwsim_osgocean >>>>>> uwsim_osgworks >>>>>> visp >>>>>> vrpn >>>>>> warehouse_ros >>>>>> xacro >>>>>> youbot_driver >>>>>> >>>>>> Cheers, >>>>>> - Dirk >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> On Wed, Mar 23, 2016 at 1:46 PM, Jackie Kay via ros-release < >>>>>>> wrote: >>>>>> >>>>>>> Good afternoon, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> I'd like to announce a script to help identify repositories that >>>>>>> haven't been released into an upcoming new ROS distribution that are >>>>>>> blocking your release. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> You can get it by cloning ros/rosdistro and looking in the scripts >>>>>>> directory. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Or you can simply wget the raw script: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> wget >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Right now the output is fairly minimal. For a set of input >>>>>>> repository names, it will tell you: >>>>>>> >>>>>>> - repos that have already been released into Kinetic >>>>>>> - repos that are unreleased and are blocked by other unreleased >>>>>>> packages/repos >>>>>>> - repos that are unreleased and are ready to be released, but do not >>>>>>> block other repos >>>>>>> - repos that are unreleased, are ready to be released, and are >>>>>>> blocking other repos >>>>>>> >>>>>>> The default set of inputs is all repositories that were released in >>>>>>> the last distribution (jade). >>>>>>> >>>>>>> The default dependency tree is determined by the dependencies in the >>>>>>> last distribution. So if your dependencies changed in Kinetic the output of >>>>>>> this tool will not reflect that. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> I like to run it with "python -i" to drop into the Python >>>>>>> interactive shell to further inspect the data sorted by the script. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Future enhancements may include: aggregating the number of releases >>>>>>> blocked by a particular unreleased repo, printing the email addresses of >>>>>>> maintainers of repositories, drawing a tree structure. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Recent output tells me that there are currently 74 repos ready for >>>>>>> release that are blocking other repos, and 186 repos that cannot be >>>>>>> released because of unreleased dependencies. >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Happy releasing, >>>>>>> >>>>>>> Jackie >>>>>>> >>>>>>> _______________________________________________ >>>>>>> ros-release mailing list >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> _______________________________________________ >>>>>> ros-release mailing list >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>>> >>>>> >>>>> _______________________________________________ >>>>> ros-release mailing list >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>>> >>>> >>>> >>>> -- >>>> William Woodall >>>> ROS Development Team >>>> >>>> >>>> _______________________________________________ >>>> ros-release mailing list >>>> >>>> >>>> >>> -- >>> Ruben Smits, Roboticist - Founder >>> +32 479 511 786 >>> Intermodalics - Gaston Geenslaan 9, 3001 Heverlee - BELGIUM >>> >>> >>> _______________________________________________ >>> ros-release mailing list >>> >>> >>> >>> >> -- > Ruben Smits, Roboticist - Founder > +32 479 511 786 > Intermodalics - Gaston Geenslaan 9, 3001 Heverlee - BELGIUM > > -- William Woodall ROS Development Team