Dear Roboticist, Robotics has started to enjoy the benefits of Open Source Software (OSS) as a "technology enabler" as developers and user communities explore deployments in numerous application environments such as production, logistics, and services. However, there may also be doubts and objections for use in industrial robotics and automation: What are the legal implications in terms of liability? How does open-source licensing work? Can a successful, sustainable business model be built, or is intellectual property at risk? In order to address these concerns, Fraunhofer IPA will host the two-day event "Open-Source Software in Robotics and Automation: Best Practices and Legal Aspects" on April 19-20 in Stuttgart, Germany. After presenting concrete examples of OSS adoption in deployed industrial technology, the event will provide up-to-date information regarding current regulations and will critically examine how successful open-source economic models evolved in other domains, with the help of renowned experts in the field. A focus is put on discussion and participant interaction. For more details about the event, registration and logistics see and specifically Best regards and see you in Stuttgart! Mirko Bordignon, ROS-Industrial Consortium Europe Program Manager, on behalf of Martin Hägele, Head of Robotics Dept - Fraunhofer IPA